808 Prayer

What is 808 Prayer?

808 Prayer is an initiative to support parents in offering a brief prayer for their kids and their families in communion with other DC families. Each school day those signed up will receive a brief text message with a prayer at 8:08am. The name 808 is inspired by the scripture, “So there was great joy in that city.” - Acts 8:8; as well as the time (8:08am) when the text is sent.

Why offer 808 Prayer?

Parenting and Family life can be fast paced and very distracting and trying to balance so many aspects of life can take up a lot of mental energy. The primary objective of the 808 Prayer plan is to offer encouragement and offer parents a brief moment in their busy lives to honestly and sincerely offer their children, families and personal lives to God. Occasionally the 808 Prayer will include challenges that offer important formation resources we feel would help parents develop their own personal faith and deepen the faith of their family.


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