Parish Life & Community
"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” - Matthew 18:20
Weekly Devotions & Prayer Life
- Tuesday Holy Hour | Eucharistic Adoration
- Wednesday Holy Hour | Parishioners for Priests
- Friday Holy Hour | Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Monthly Rosary Rally
- Intercessory Prayer Team
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
- Our Lady of Fatima Traveling Statue
Tuesday Holy Hour | Eucharistic Adoration
Our weekly Tuesday exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place each Tuesday at 11 AM until 7 PM in the Church. If there is a funeral, exposition will be in the adoration chapel during the funeral Mass. We need more adorers on Tuesday! Please call the parish office to sign up for a holy hour at 313-277-3110.
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Wednesday Holy Hour | Parishioners for Priests
Friday Holy Hour | Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
All are welcome to join us every Friday at 3 PM for a weekly Holy Hour in the Adoration Chapel. The Holy Hour is dedicated to the Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
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Monthly Rosary Rally
Once a month, parishioners are invited to join us for a rosary rally at the Marian Shrine located in front of the high school on Silvery Lane. All are welcome. The rallies are held on Saturdays at noon in the rain or shine. Please join us as we honor our Blessed Mother.
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Intercessory Prayer Team
Please join the Prayer Team to pray for the priests and the needs of the parish every Tuesday night following the Novena. Please join the Prayer Team as they continue to meet and pray together as the Holy Spirit leads. The Prayer Team gathers in the Church every Tuesday from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend!
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena
One of the finest and most longstanding traditions at Church of the Divine Child is the weekly devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in the Church. Hundreds make this weekly service in honor of Our Lady, and we are very pleased to make these devotions available. Prayers for the Novena may be found at the back of the Church.
Our Lady of Fatima Traveling Statue
In 1969, a special statue of Our Lady of Fatima was blessed at Fatima especially for Divine Child parishioners.
If you would like to have this statue in your home, you may do so for one week to receive the many blessings of Our Lady. The statue is present on the main altar in the Church every first Saturday for First Saturday devotions. During May and October, the statue is present in the Divine Child High School Chapel and Divine Child Elementary School.
A special devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, including the recitation of the Holy Rosary, takes place on the first Saturday of the month before Mass at 7:45 a.m.
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Want to get involved?
Retreats & Faith Sharing Groups
- Retreats
- Detroit Cursillo
- Knights of Columbus - Bishop Foley Council 2660
- Women of Worth Ministry
- Sabbath Supper Club
- Spanish Prayer Group
- Exodus 90
Detroit Cursillo
Parish Ambassadors
What is Cursillo?
Cursillos is a Christian Movement to bring Christ to others!Through a specifically designed 3-day weekend, people experience a personal encounter with Christ and learn to embrace their true vocation as disciples. The weekend workshops provide the opportunity for people to pray, grow, learn, and share within a Christian community. Cursillo helps equip lay people with the tools, knowledge, and spiritual strength necessary to go out and spread the Good News. The Archdiocese of Detroit Catholic Cursillo Weekend is held at Maryville Retreat Center in Holly and includes three days of instructive talks, small group discussion, fellowship and worship. In those three days you will encounter Christ like never before.
2024 Fall Weekends
#419 Men's Weekend - October 24-27
#420 Women's Weekend - November 14-17
2025 Spring Weekends
#421 Men's Weekend - March 27-30
#422 Women's Weekend - April 24-27
Knights of Columbus - Bishop Foley Council 2660
Women of Worth Ministry
Sabbath Supper Club
While registration for the 2024-25 season has closed, we welcome any interested parties to contact Jodi Ann Micallef at to learn more about joining our faith community!
Sabbath Supper Club
Sabbath Supper Club is your opportunity to make new friends, eat great food, and break open the word of God through the holy scripture! Members are joined up in small groups of 4 singles/couples (up to 8 people), who meet several times per year at each other’s homes to share a meal, with each participant (single or couple) hosting one dinner each. The Sabbath Supper Club is open to all registered adult parishioners who are willing and able to host a dinner and can commit to attend dinners on the third Saturday of the month in October, January, March and May. A separate kick off dinner for all Sabbath Supper Club members will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 30, 2024 at Divine Child. Details to follow.
FAQ - Learn More about SSC
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Spanish Prayer Group
¡Tenemos un Grupo de Oración en Español en la Iglesia del Niño Divino!
Nuestro grupo de oración en español se reúne todos los miércoles en la biblioteca de Divine Child Elementary School de 7 – 9 p.m. Leemos y discutimos las Escrituras, (cantar y rezar el rosario).
Damos la bienvenida a nuevos miembros! Si usted está interesado por favor llame María al 313.229.1058.
We have a Spanish Prayer Group at the Church of the Divine Child!
Our prayer group meets every Wednesday in the Divine Child Elementary School Library from 7 – 9 p.m. We read and discuss Scripture and sing and pray the Rosary.
We welcome new members! If you are interested, please call Maria at 313.229.1058.
Exodus 90
Exodus 90 Challenge
Exodus 90 is a 90-day Challenge leading up to Easter Sunday. Break free from the Pharaohs and Idols that hold you back from becoming the man you were created to be. Exodus 90 starts January 20, 2025!
Meeting Info
Learn More
For more info call us at 313.277.3110 x4224 or click the button below to be added to our contact list!
What is Exodus 90?
Its a 90-day journey through the Book of Exodus, learning about the similarities we share with the ancient Israelites - and finding the path to freedom from the ‘modern Pharaoh’s’ holding us back from true unity with God.
How does it work?
For 90 days, we focus on three core pillars: prayer, asceticism, and fraternity - a model witnessed to us centries ago by the desert fathers in the early Church.
Why should you join?
Saint Dominic once said, “A man who governs his passions is master of the world. We must either rule them or be ruled by them.” If we’re ruled by our ‘modern Pharaohs,’ how can we truly be free to become the men God made us to be? Exodus 90 gives you the tools to take control of your life and find deeper unity with God - and a brotherhood of men on the same journey.
Here's How Exodus 90 Works
Prayer is conversation with God. The time you spend in prayer during Exodus 90 is the most important part of the journey. Your daily Scripture passage and reflection from Exodus have been crafted to help you start your conversation with the Lord each day. We offer them for men like you every day of the year, not just during Exodus 90, and we hope that we become your trusted guide for spiritual formation throughout the year.
During Exodus 90, we will strive for an hour of daily prayer, and within that hour, we encourage you to spend at least twenty minutes in silent prayer, listening and sharing openly with the Lord. Amid the responsibilities of your life and vocation, an hour of prayer may not be possible each day. Do not become discouraged, feel shame, or give up on prayer because you cannot hit an hour. Do the best you can with the time that you have. If you need to start small with a few minutes and build up your time over the the first few weeks, we encourage you to do so. From experience, most men find it easier to pray early in the morning or late at night, and it is most likely to happen if we schedule our prayer time and make it a priority in our plan of life each day. The Disciplines Tab of the Exodus app is meant to help you stay accountable to prayer.
As intimidated as you may be as you begin to pray, brother, you can do it. The more you practice prayer, the more familiar it will become for you and the more confidence you will gain, like so many other things in our lives. But, we must persevere no matter the challenges we face because, apart from a life of prayer, we quickly get lost and forget who we are, like a lost child without his mother and father. And how can we possibly lead our families and local communities if we are not led first by the Lord?
• Read Exodus Reading & Reflection
• Make a Holy Hour each Day (learn how here)
• Make a Morning Offering
• Make a Nightly Examen
• Celebrate the Lord’s Day on Sundays
Asceticism means acts of self-denial. Though it is often underemphasized in our time, throughout Church history we see the importance of asceticism in the teachings and lives of the saints, our fathers in the faith.
Asceticism is about saying “no” to lesser things so that we are able to say “yes” when God asks greater things from us. Though we should strive to reject evil in every instance, we should also abstain from good things for periods of time so that we can remain focused on what matters most in our lives.
Asceticism is not about proving something to yourself, showing that you are strong enough to others, or earning God’s grace. Exodus 90 is not a spiritual marathon or another secular men’s challenge. Exodus 90 is a spiritual exercise crafted for you to become uncommonly free for the love that God has called you to. And these ninety days are just the beginning of a new, more free way of life.
Acts of asceticism break us down in order to open us up to God. They should not lead to a puffed-up chest so much as a bowed-down head in prayer. Through the ascetic way, we are humbled. By denying ourselves, we learn to depend upon God for everything and to ask our brothers for prayerful accountability, support, and encouragement.
• Get a Full Night’s Sleep (8 hours is recommended)
• Take Cold Showers
• Exercise 3x per Week
• Avoid Unnecessary Smartphone Use
• Avoid Unnecessary Computer Use
• Give Up Video Games
• Give Up TV
• Give Up Alcohol
• No Soda or Sweet Drinks
• No Snacking between Meals
• No Desserts or Sweets
• Listen only to Music that Lifts the Soul to God
• No Unnecessary Purchases
• Fast on Wednesdays & Fridays (eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals)
• No Meat on Wednesdays & Fridays
What is Fraternity? So many men are isolated and alone today, and in that place we are susceptible to the whims, temptations, and empty show of the devil. Many men have buddies with whom they can watch sports and drink beer, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But we also need to have brothers who know who we are, what we are going through, and to whom we can be accountable.
During Exodus 90, you will meet once a week with 5-7 men. One of the men in your fraternity will be your anchor, and you will check-in with him each day. Prioritizing Christian brotherhood, especially for married men in the hustle of work and family life, is challenging. But that time is essential. You’ll invite other men you know to form your Exodus fraternity. If you need help finding a fraternity, check out the Community tab on the Exodus app where you can see local fraternities near you, or you can join a remote fraternity on the app as well.
Exodus fraternities are one of the few places in the entire world where men can be open and honest with each other. It’s not about what you know, what you have accomplished, or how you’ve got it all together. Exodus fraternities are meant to be the absolute opposite of this worldly perspective of masculinity, a place to be real about the struggles we all experience.
What do you talk about in your fraternity meeting? We have crafted a unique meeting guide to support your conversation each week of Exodus 90, and also for every week the rest of the year beyond the 90.
Please pray about who you should invite, and when the Holy Spirit prompts you to invite a man that surprises you, please do not say “no.” Exodus fraternities are not places for perfect Catholic or Christian men. Because none of us are. Invite the man that God places on your heart, whether he practices the faith or not. You will get “noes,” but you will be shocked by who says “yes.”
It is never too late to invite a man into your fraternity. As you start, there may be men who want to join, especially in the first few weeks of Exodus 90 or at the start of Lent.
• Daily Anchor Check-in (one of the men in your fraternity)
• Weekly Fraternity Meeting (5-7 men)
• If you need help building your brotherhood, check out the NEW Community tab on the Exodus 90 app where you can see local fraternities near you, or you can join a remote fraternity on the app as well.
• If you are starting a fraternity, you can find fraternity leader resources on the NEW leadership platform called Mount Sinai.
After - Day 91
The 90 days of Exodus aren’t a finish line — they’re the beginning of a new, more free way of life.
The Exodus 90 app will support your spiritual formation throughout the entire calendar year — offering a practical, realistic, and effective path to growing in freedom not just for three months, but every day, year-round, 24/7/365.
Exodus 90 is challenging, but do not be afraid. There’s no such thing as a perfect Exodus, as you will read very clearly as you journey with the Israelites in the Book of Exodus.
More than 100,000 Exodus men have come before you. And tens of thousands of men from all over the world are on the road right now, praying and sacrificing for you too.
May we, united together in prayer and sacrifice, and after the pattern of Jesus Christ and our Fathers in the Faith, become the renewal that we seek.
Looking for faith formation resources?
Visit our Faith Formation page!
Looking for family resources?
Visit our Youth & Family Faith Formation page!
Our clergy share some thoughts on value of reading, studying and praying with the Bible.