The councils and commissions of Church of the Divine Child provide direction for the parish, ensuring implementation of our Mission and parish goals. The commissions are encouraged to establish committees to carry out the work of God.
The Worship Commission is responsible for guiding the continuing liturgical renewal of the parish, which is a communion centered on the Eucharist as well as serving as the liaison for relations with other Christian and non-Christian churches and religious bodies.
Since the liturgy is the "source and summit" (SC 11) of Christian life, the Worship Commission needs to be actively and directly connected and concerned with all aspects of parish life. The function of the Church of the Divine Child's Worship Commission is to develop and establish objectives to realize and accomplish parish and Archdiocesan goals and ecclesiastical norms in the area of liturgy and parish worship. The Commission is responsible for assisting the parish priests with planning and implementing special liturgies (i.e., Mass of Remembrance), and providing an outlet for parishioners with liturgical concerns.
Please visit the Ministries Tab to learn more about the ways you can get involved in our parish worship commission. For more information, contact Chairperson, Jodi Ann Micallef, at 313.277.3110 ext 4222.
Parish Pastoral Council
The Divine Child Parish Pastoral Council in an essential consultative body of the parish that "assists the pastor in the administration of the goods" of Church of the Divine Child (Canon 537). This advisory group assists the pastor in areas of budget, maintenance, insurance, stewardship and other similar concerns. The vision of this council is integrated into the parish's ongoing parish life activities.
The Parish Pastoral Council assures that the established goals and objectives are implemented by the various Council & Commissions and reviews the goals and objectives annually.
Executive Board
Pastor: Fr. Bob McCabe
Associate Pastor: Fr. John Shi
Associate Pastor: Fr. John Shi
Associate Pastor: Fr. Jeremy Schupbach
President: Margaret Van Houten
President: Margaret Van Houten
Finance & Stewardship: John Micallef
Worship: Jodi Ann Micallef
Worship: Jodi Ann Micallef
Christian Service: TBD
Education: TBD
Education: TBD
- Steve Butkowski
- Janet Joyce
- Aaron Peacock
- Elaine Wilson
Christian Service
Serve. Volunteer. Give.
The Church of the Divine Child’s Christian Service Commission is dedicated to answering God’s call to service by promoting programs that assist the parishioners of Divine Child and members of the surrounding community with their spiritual and human needs. The Christian Service Commission exists as a model and resource of Catholic social teaching to enable the entire parish communion to put the social teaching of the Church into action.
All parishioners are invited to share their time and talent with the Commission as it works to fulfill its mission of service, love, justice and peace under the mantle of evangelization.
The Commission meets in the Elementary School Library on the second Monday of the month, September through May, 7 p.m. For further information, please call the Parish Rectory at 313.277.3110.
The Church of the Divine Child Education Commission assists, promotes, and supports parishioners in understanding that the entire parish community has responsibility for participating in the evangelization and teaching mission of Jesus entrusted to the Church.
The Church of the Divine Child Education Commission assists, promotes, and supports parishioners in understanding that the entire parish community has responsibility for participating in the evangelization and teaching mission of Jesus entrusted to the Church. The Education Commission has the responsibility of developing, promoting and evaluating programs in cooperation with the Archdiocese of Detroit and the Church of the Divine Child Parish staff. Some responsibilities of the Education Commission include:
- Discerning the parish's formational/educational needs at all levels
- Assisting in providing an array of informational and formational opportunities for people at every stage of life
- Ensuring compliance with educational directives, guidelines, norms, and policies of the parish, Archdiocese and universal Church.
Education Commission committees are Adult Faith Formation, Catholic Schools, Family Life, Catechetics, Vocations and Youth Ministry.
Finance and Stewardship
Divine Child's Finance and Stewardship Council is concerned with the promotion of Christian stewardship as a way of life, and how living out our call to discipleship in service to the Church and her members provides a living example by which the spirit of evangelization is witnessed.
Divine Child’s Finance & Stewardship Council is an advisory group to our pastor in the areas of budget, maintenance, insurance, stewardship and other similar concerns.