Dcn. Mr. Robert Calleja
Dcn. Mr. Robert Calleja was assigned to the Church of the Divine Child as our permanent deacon in the fall of 2020.
His faith journey through life might be one relatively common as a story today, involving a nominal Catholic childhood faith, a time of adolescent and young adulthood wandering, and then a profound conversion experience. However, he describe his conversion as a powerful moment of awakening to a deep awareness that Our Lord was on his trail, followed by recognition that he genuinely wanted to be found by Him. '
After his faith awakening, he met his wife Christine and together, they began to move towards the Lord in His Church. In preparation for marriage Dcn. Bob needed to go through the RCIA process to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and it was in that process that they both really fell in love with Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith. At the Easter Vigil 2001 he was Confirmed and his soul was set on fire for the Lord.
"From there I began to read and study our Faith intensely," Dcn. Bob said. "I began taking classes at the Seminary just to learn more. After about 14 yrs of prayerful discernment and a few nudges along the way I, with my wife’s blessing, applied for entry into the formation program to become a Permanent Deacon. God opened all the doors along the way until finally on October 17th this year I was ordained."